
When Various Financial Institutions did not provide loans to the poor families in different areas of sarlahi district, most of the individuals started engaging in loan transactions with Shahumahajan and were also following the trend of borrowing at very high interest rates from Shahumahajan. at that time, it was also difficult to exchange a thousand rupee note and it was not easy to obtain loans from banks in a convenient manner. with the aim of creating self-employment opportunities for the community and increasing income level in such dire conditions, under the leadership of the founder president Mr. Bharat shah some individuals from sarlahi district have established a cooperative society in the form of a financial cooperative institution. from the idea of establishing a cooperative society, chameli saving and credit cooperative Ltd. was founded. The legal registration of this institution took place on 26th of mangsir, 2058 at the cooperative office dhanusha. the operations have been running since 29th of mangsir 2058.

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